Friday, August 21, 2009

So, I have a few minutes between appointments. I am sitting here with a small female brown and white pomeranian that we got in from a puppy mill. She is so scared that petting her causes her to tremble, panic and want to bolt from your arms. So I have her dressed in a brand new collar, her first (and a much better fit than the wire with the pig ear tag dangling from it that she wore when she got here). Her collar is connected to a leash, which is connected to my belt. Tether of love...

She is slowly accepting sitting on my lap, and accepting the petting. I know if I tried to move, she would panic again, so we sit here and we type. I think her thoughts in this blog would be "I feel much safer in a cage, since I have spent my entire life within one, can't you just put me back into one?" and my thoughts are "sometime soon this poor dog is going to accept and LOVE hugs and kisses, run towards her owners instead of away from them, sleep on a bed, and walk in the grass." You can see her bio at her name is Brandy.

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