Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a Note to Say HI!

I asked a very old friend friend of mine that I was close with back in the 1980's a question, and at the end of his response was, "Hope that answers your question. By the way, a little note once in a while just to say hi would be nice."

In my spare time tonight, I responded to his statement with the following paragraph.  I am cheating tonight and using it as my blog because I find it amusing!

"Ok, here is my life in a nutshell. I am making little to no money but love what I do. I work endless hours at the clinic, I come home to Mommy two adorable kids, one being significantly more difficult than the other (let you guess which). I am actively trying to change legislation, and testified at the senate committee meeting regarding puppy mills. I am also trying to begin veterinarian coalition for animal welfare. i market on facebook, and putz around on facebook. i am writing a blog which I hope someday can be the notes i need to write a book. I am amazed that the people who supposedly care the most about me are the only ones NOT reading my blog, ironic because this is where i spill my guts about myself, what i do, my good days and bad days, and the people who miss me because i don't live close anymore don't care enough to read it. i love photography but find little time for anything more than photos of adoptable animals and candid shots of two adorable kids. i cannot find time to work out, and know how important it is that i lose this weight and learn to eat right for the sake of myself and my kids. i am on a bowling league, and finished golf league. i don't cook but want to try to find time to at least use the slow cooker for healthier meals for the family, but morning has even less time than the rest of the day for cooking. i want to start a petition to God to create an 8th day called Liserday, just for me to have even a few moments to myself but I would likely use that day to try to play catch up on all the things I feel so behind on... I am overrun at the clinic with adoptable animals because of a cruddy economy. If you know of anyone wanting to adopt a pet send them to my website, and if you dont know my website, shame on you.

That is it in a nutshell.

So, Dave, how are yoU? "

Now I have to go clean the house for the Halloween party my kids are having this Saturday...
Anyone want to help?

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