Monday, July 12, 2010

Pomeranian Rescue Chapter 4

Back in August of 2009, I began writing this blog.  I was completely unsure of where it would take me, or whether people would read it.  It is around this time that we received our first set of retired dogs from the same breeder as the ones that just made their way to Southern California Pomeranian Rescue.

My transport volunteer that had provided transport for the California dogs a few short weeks ago, seemed exasperated a year ago when she had brought us other dogs from that same puppy mill.  She mentioned that the breeder has an old Pomeranian, ten years old at the time, that she is no longer able to breed due to age, but she is still living in a cage.  "I tried to get her to let me take her. But she wouldn't." 

The breeder was keeping her "for sentimental reasons".  This Pom was her very first breeding dog, and apparently deserved to spend her entire life in a cage at this breeder's facility for "sentimental reasons" as though it was a privilege or rite of passage.  I am sure many other dogs who had outlived their fertile years were sold off or discarded in previous years.  

I am not criticizing those breeders that relinquish their retired dogs to rescues, although I wish they would help the rescues with expenses.  Other breeders dispose of the dogs in such ways as sales at puppy mill auctions, selling on craigslist, shooting the dogs, euthanasia by a veterinarian just because their production is low, letting them live their life out in a cage.  Rescue seems the best option for the dogs, and we will continue to do it as long as the dogs need us.  Rescue work and the associated expenses are not our obligation, but are our calling, and we do it willingly.

Give us your tired, your poorly treated, your infertile masses, and we will make loving pets of them.
Despite my transport volunteer's pleas to let the senior girl join the other dogs in rescue, the offer was rejected, and the little old girl lived in that cage for almost another year.

When the transport arrived with the first group of seven Pomeranians a few weeks ago, my transport volunteer looked at me in excitement, "We got her!"  I was not sure what she was talking about, after all, a year had passed.  My memory is spotty in the moment!  My befuddled look encouraged her to continue, "We got the little old girl!"  Then I knew!  The "Sentimental Pom" was with us!

She is a little black girl, with a muzzle that is white as snow.  She is a petite, delicate, little lady.  She is the only black Pomeranian in this herd of tiny dogs at my feet!

She seemed healthy upon exam for a senior girl with a history of producing puppies year after year, cycle after cycle, and watching them go to homes while she continued her work.  Her tongue hangs out of her mouth  because she no longer has any teeth to hold it in.  This is called edentulism, and is common in the older puppy mill dogs.  Her haircoat, unlike some of the others, did not require shaving, thank goodness.  She has a new name, "Dorothy".  If the breeder had given her a name for the last 11 years, she neglected to share it with us.

Dorothy has moved on to California, with the other rescued Poms, to enjoy "a dog's life" the way it should be enjoyed.  Here she is upon her arrival in the Golden State, getting her first grooming.

A California rescue volunteer, who shares the same white whiskers as Dorothy, is enjoying the company of a little senior girl with many stories to tell.

A note from the Pom rescue said, "She lives with 4 other pommies in a senior home where she is never alone and never crated. She has a yard to run in and lots of belly rubs and cuddles. She is GREAT with kids and other dogs of all ages and sizes. She is learning house training quickly now that she has a doggy door and constant positive re-enforcement."

Prior to California departure, at the arrival of the second transport of California Poms, we were informed by my transport volunteer that the breeder "felt so bad" about selling the other Pomeranians, that she threw in a Shih Tzu that she was not initially planning to give to rescue.

We have named her the snack cake.

This beautful girl is very sweet and you cannot get enough of her, just like a Ho Ho snack cake. She is black and white, like a HoHo snack cake. She is much more timid than the Poms. She has an adorable underbite. She is available for adoption with the South Hamilton Animal Alliance . She will need a quiet home, with patient people that understand the term "Positive Reinforcement". She seems to enjoy the company of children, as long as they are old enough to understand the proper treatment of animals.

I have mentioned that we have received several breeds of dogs from this breeder.  In June, we got a little surprise.  Along with dogs, we received...

a baby chick.  While picking up dogs for transport, the transport volunteer noticed the chick running around the breeder's farm, and it was the last one, the only one that the other animals had not killed.  The chick was tossed her way, and the volunteer didn't look back...even though we had no idea what we were going to do with it.

We posted on facebook that we needed chicken feed immediately!  A friend came through almost immediately with feed, and a hotlamp.  We had no idea what kind of chick it was.  It seems chicks, like dogs, can be of mixed breed, so no one could help determine the breed.  She was a cute and fuzzy little thing that we named "Bella".  She went with another rescue friend of mine who has other chickens.  This friend happens to be a vegetarian, so we know she won't end up surrounded by noodles and broth.  I hope Bella isn't a boy!

It is said that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, then the breeders cannot give us more than we can handle either.

Other blogs of interest:

So, I Have a Few Minutes Between Appointments

Lucky Dog

The One You Left Behind  one of my favorites.

The Eyes Have It  These are from the same breeder.

There are so many... just read back in the blog archive!

Thanks to some important words from some very persuasive readers, I have decided to continue the blog on facebook.  Thank you to all of my readers for your support.

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  1. Dorothy is doing very well with her new family! She's blossomed into a silly, perfect pet at her young age and the family looks forward to growing old with her!

  2. Hi Everyone! As of Sept 2011, SCPR's new website is now a.ORG and no longer We have a NEW corporate address and email as well. Please see link to our Facebook page for official contact info.
