Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two for the Road...

A commercial breeder decided to eliminate most of the Pekingese breed from her breeding stock, except for eight pekes she is maintaining to produce peke-a-poo hybrids.  She culled the older senior dogs that were no longer producing enough puppies and those that had major health issues.  She had previously met a client of mine who does Pekingese rescue.  The breeder contacted the rescue group, and the two made an agreement. 

The rescue group would take in all twenty five dogs in "do-able doses".  The rescue group would pick up five dogs every other month, from January through September.  The rescue group would take on all the veterinary care for the dogs as well as the expenses that went with them.  They would then find volunteer foster homes for each of the dogs to teach them what it is like to be a beloved family member.  They would commit to finding each dog the forever home that was right for them, no matter how long they had to search.  The senior rescue dogs often have to wait some time for their family to find them, and they often require the most medical care.  The breeder would drive back to her puppy mill after each relinquishment, and continue to breed her remaining breeding stock, as long as they continued to be profitable. 

Every other month, my friend's car looked like this.  In this car load are two special dogs that made their way to my office.

Meet Gypsie.  She is a six year old female Pekingese that found herself on September's rescue transport. 

Gypsie had a serious eye problem. The globe of her eye was extremely enlarged, and bulging from the socket.  The eye was edematous, infected, and on the verge of rupturing.  Gypsie was not able to blink that eye due to it's enlarged size.  The cornea was dry, inflamed, and painful.  Gypsie was handed from the breeder to the rescuer in this heartbreaking condition.

The eyeball needed immediate removal. While there is no way to say exactly how long this dog's eye has been in this condition, it is fair to say that it was the result of apathy and neglect.  The breeder's responsibility should have been to take the dog to a veterinarian at first signs of disease for treatment prior to it getting in such a condition.  This dog was given to a rescuer, by a breeder, and as a result she was given a new chance at life.  

Gypsie is in a foster home recovering from her surgery. She has been spayed, heartworm tested, microchipped, and had all of her vaccines.  She is available for adoption at Midwest Peke N Chin Rescue .  She is living in a foster home during her recovery, with a furry foster sibling.  She is enjoying every minute of family life; a life with one less eye, and a lot less pain


Meet Frito, an eight year old male Pekingese.  Frito was also wondering why he was sitting in a crate on this moving thing they call a "car".  He was fortunate enough to have found himself in the hands of rescue as well.  Frito looks as though he has either a terribly long tongue, or a huge smile. 

The truth is that Frito's mandible, the lower part of his jaw is missing.  The front half of the mandible on each side of his mouth has rotted away (called osteolysis).  This is due to severe dental disease and infection that has caused the decay and resorption of the teeth as well as the bone that once held them.  The mandible is the lower jaw in the below photo.  Frito's jaw ends at the point of the area labeled as "molars".  The front half of his lower mouth is flaccid without the rigid brace of the mandibular bone.  As a result, his tongue flops over the soft tissue.  He cannot close his mouth completely.  He has difficulty grasping / prehending his food.  He had a dental at the time of his neuter.  He had one remaining tooth that was diseased enough to require removal.  He now has no teeth, known as edentulism, but he has a wonderful life in  foster care. 

The result of this disease process is that Frito always looks happy, makes a mess when he eats, and gives very sloppy kisses.  All of these things will enhance Frito's new family's experience.  He is not in pain from this condition.  The infection that caused it is gone.  He is now completely vetted, having been neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and heartworm tested.  Frito is also available for adoption with Peke N Chin Midwest Rescue. 

Stop in at the Peke N Chin Midwest Rescue website and thank them for the wonderful care that they give their adoptable pets.  Perhaps you will find a Pekingese or a Japanese Chin to call your very own...

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  1. These breeders seem a lot like the shelters who threaten to harm dogs if the people who volunteer / rescue dogs do not shut up and do what they are told.

    Tom Vilsack seems to be a pretty sorry Sec of Agriculture.

  2. Is there no recourse? Seems there is neglect/cruelty happening by/with this particular breeder. I'm not saying we need to shut down every breeder, but, um, this seems rather well documented.
    Is it okay if you only breed the ones that aren't diseased or in trouble? Except HOW did Gypsy and Frito get into this shape in the first place?!

  3. There is no excuse for such inhumane treatment of animals. It is beyond logic as to why we have to enact a law state by state to either eliminate a breeder setting up residence or to enforce better treatment which we know will not happen all of the time. I am from WI. & we just had a puppy mill bill passed last January that took effect in February. I have rescued 6 Bichon Frise's from puppy mills. I wish i could take them all, but lack the funds for proper vet care of more. They are dropped off at a shelter in Northern WI. at a rate of 3 per week! How long do these animals have to suffer at the hands of these heartless breeders?

    I do some promotion for WI. Bichon Frise Rescue. Thanks for letting me sound off.

  4. Lynn, your point is important.

    Not sure if you are in Iowa, but recently in southwest Iowa a man pleaded to abusing pits. I think it was 27 pits tied to buried car axles, maybe half were put to sleep after being found.

    The plead is a week in jail, probation, and the abuser is not supposed to own animals for a year. And he lived in Omaha, the dogs were found in Iowa, so whatever federal issues could apply should have applied.

    My point is I doubt most private groups and certainly not a person or small rescue can get action against a private breeder, at least not in Iowa. The best a private person can do is probably help the pets as the breeder allows.
