Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jojo's Canine DNA Test Results #2 Mars Wisdom Panel

If you have been following this blog, then you know that we have a sweet puppy for adoption at South Hamilton Animal Alliance whose "breed" make-up is in question. She is just 20 lbs, and sweet as pie.
Her name is Jojo. You can read previous parts of her story at
Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither? .
Doggie DNA: Testing of the Tests
Update 1: Doggie DNA Testing of the Tests
Jojo's DNA Test Results #1 DDC Lab

Our Sweet Jojo!

We submitted her DNA samples to three different laboratories who specialize in canine breed DNA tests. As we waited patiently with baited puppy breath, her test results are starting to arrive.
Today we received the results from MARS Veterinary Wisdom Panel.
The email received stated,

"Are you ready to uncover the breeds that make your dog truly one-of-a-kind? Your wait is now over!
We have completed the DNA analysis for Jojo using the Wisdom Panel™ Insights state-of-the-art breed detection process, comparing his breed makeup to over 170 different breeds.
Anxious for your dog's results? We are excited to offer you online DNA results for faster reporting. Within 3 weeks of receipt of your dog's sample, your dog's report will be available for download. Simply click on our test status checker.
Order Details:
Dog's Name: Jojo
Validated Date: 27 Oct 2010
Thank you again for your order. Knowing Jojo's breed history can help you create a tailored care program so you can target behavior training, be smarter about nutritional planning and plan exercise activities that can make your dog happier and healthier...


Mars Veterinary

When I click on the link the report, there are two significant breeds listed.  Their test compiles results in three stages, Significant Breed, Intermediate Breed, and Minor Breed. 

Quoted from the document:
"How to interpret your dog's results:

When reading your report, keep in mind that all physical traits of the breeds found may not always be apparent in your dog.

Why? Because a mixed-breed dog’s appearance varies depending on the overall mix of breeds found and the specific genes inherited from each of those breeds. When dominant and recessive genes combine from the different breeds across the generations, unique and unpredictable combinations can occur. This is a big reason why your dog is unique and may not exhibit the physical traits of each breed.

Significant Breed - At least 50% of your dog’s DNA matches this breed, so you are likely to see some physical and behavioral traits from this breed represented unless some of the genes are recessive.

Intermediate Breed - At least 25% of your dog’s DNA matches this breed, so you may see some physical and behavioral traits represented in your dog.

Minor Breed - At least 12.5% of your dog’s DNA matches this breed, but at this level, it is unlikely that this
breed’s physical traits are visually represented unless some of the genes are dominant."

The first breed result is American Staffordshire Terrier, and is listed as a significant breed.

Josie is for adoption at Secondhand Hounds, Edina, MN

The test result inquires,
"Do you recognize any of these American Staffordshire Terrier traits in JOJO?"
"Intelligent, hard-working, and stoic dogs."  Absolutely!  Every movement is followed by tail wagging and kisses!

"Very loyal to family and usually good with children."  Rambunctious for young kids, but does LOVE them!

"May not get along well with other dogs." She is currently in a foster home with two full grown pit bulls and two cats and NO ISSUES at all!

"American Staffordshire Terriers seem to enjoy dog sports such as agility, flyball, rally and competitive obedience."  I agree she has the build, desire, and intelligence to participate in such activities.

"There have been reported incidents of American Staffordshire Terriers being aggressive with other pets
or people."  Again, She is currently in a foster home with two full grown pit bulls and two cats and NO ISSUES at all!

The second breed result is Bulldog. While it didn't mention American Bulldog vs. English Bulldog vs. French Bulldog, the image they used definitely indicated English Bulldog.

The test results inquires,
"Do you recognize any of these Bulldog traits in JOJO?"

"Playful, calm, and usually friendly dogs."    Yes, for playful and friendly.  Calm?  Not so much!

"Bulldogs are less energetic than other breeds, although"     No, Jojo's energy level is puppy like!

There are no other breeds listed on the DNA report.
My curiosity is again heightened to see what the results hold from the final of the three laboratories' DNA tests.

Will the lab results from the final laboratory be similar to or possibly match the test results we read in the first two results?

Will the results be completely different?
A little more waiting, and our curiosity should be satisfied...

Tell me your thoughts on the two results we have received so far!  Are you surprised?  Disappointed?  Intrigued?  Flabbergasted?  Let me know!  Share your opinion!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Stones in the Road

People who know me well, know that music can make or break me.  I feel my heart, my soul, and my energy rise with songs that I love.  Music can give me the energy or confidence that I need at any given moment, or it can commiserate with me as though it was my very best and most understanding friend.  I can listen to it over and over, or I can choose when I am done listening, walking away content and understood. 

I heard a song yesterday... here are some of the lyrics.

"When you walk into the edge of those
Dark and lonely woods and when I ask how was your day
And you answer 'Not so good'
And when nothing seems to be working out
Quite the way it should; I will shine the light.
When the skies up above you fill
With grey and stormy clouds.
And there's not a single face you know
In the maddening crowd...

When you're staring down your demons
Weighing in your darkest night
I will shine the light.
Sometimes we jump into the great unknown.
Sorrows we all will have to walk alone.
Waiting there in the end is a heart that calls you a friend.
That's me clapping the loudest welcoming you home.
So when your heart is heavy like a stone
From carrying it's load
And you look into the mirror and see someone you don't know
When the shadows are closing in on you like a hand around your throat
I will shine the light.
I will shine the light.
When you've given into your fears
When you've lost your will to fight
Let me know what I can do
Let me try to make it right.
I will shine the light."

Here is the song in it's entirety
It is "Shine the Light" by Sugarland.

I was sobbing by the end of the song.  My heart has been carrying around stones for so long, that I forget there is a light. 

The biggest stone I carry is the loss of my Mother.  She passed away ten years ago from lung cancer.  She was my Mother.  She was my Best Friend.  She was my Light.  I remember trying everything to get her to quit smoking when I was a kid.  I purchased kits they advertised on TV like the little plastic cigarette you could puff on and inhale nothing but air.  I tried replacing her cigarettes by putting a box of tic tacs in her cigarette case.  I had heard that chewing tic tacs can satisfy the oral need of missing cigarettes.  Let me say that one REALLY did not go over well.  She did not discover the switch until she was at work, so her cigarette break was not a pleasant one.  I remember telling her when I was a teenager that if cigarettes killed her, that I would never forgive her.  Well, I did forgive her.  But I miss her.

My kids shine their light on me.  They cast my stones into shadows, which makes me less aware of how heavy they can be. They make me happy, they make me proud, they also make me angry...but these are all signs of passion. Passion is the gift we all have in life and following it is how we succeed in life.

However, sometimes my kids' light shines right on the stones I bear.  Sometimes, my kids do something and I want to call my Mom to share the moment.  Or I want to ask her if I had ever done something like that.  Or I want to hear her say, I just bought the cutest outfits for the kids.  I'd like to hear her say she loves them, or is proud of them.  I would just like to hear her voice, or feel her hug again.  I would like to hear my kids say they love her, or see them give her a hug.

That stone is SO heavy, it is sometimes unbearable.  I know I am not alone in having lost a loved one.  I am not claiming to be the only large stone bearer.  Many of us carry large stones, some larger than the one I carry.  Among these large stones, are many other stones that are of different sizes.  Many of them are also shared by many of you.  They are made up of mistakes we have made, things we wished we had done differently, goals we did not achieve, fights we did not win, passions we did not follow.  Some weigh heavy, others are small but the number of them may add up to a burdenous load.

I guess that is why this song hit home for me.  It gave me recognition of these stones I carry, and made me aware that there is a light.  Everybody's light source is different, but we all have some.

It occurred to me by the end of the song, "What about those that are forgotten".  There are forgotten lives in this world, and I wonder when their light is going to shine.  Who will carry their stones? 

There are people who live in cruel conditions, people who have had great misfortune, kids with cancer, kids that have been abducted, people that are routinely abused mentally and or physically.  Where is their light?

There are many animals for which animal rescue people have been their light.  We cast away their stones and hold the animal in their new found light, we bathe them in that light, and we pass that light on to their new families.  Every once in a while, these animals hold onto their stones, despite the light.  But they are in the light, and that is what matters, that is what we have given them. 

But for the dogs residing in cages for their entire lives,  for the dogs sleeping on wire flooring instead of in someone's arms,  I am screaming for your light!  For the fighting dogs that are tortured and killed in the name of entertainment or sport, I am screaming for your light!  For the animal victims of crush videos, I am screaming for your light!  For the furry victims of hoarding, abuse, neglect, I am screaming for your light!  For animals abandoned in pastures, buildings, countrysides, tied to trees, I am screaming for your light.  For the healthy animals euthanized in overwhelmed shelters or lazy shelters everywhere, every minute, of every day, I am screaming for your light! 

I want to know where their light is!   Where is their light?!  And why on earth is it so hard to shine it upon them!  My inability to shine on you is another large stone.

We are wanting to shine it.  We are dreaming of shining it upon you.  We will continue to struggle in our attempts to SHINE this light upon you, to show you what love is. You are not forgotten.  You are loved, you just do not know it yet. 

For those animals who have lost their lives and succumbed in the darkness, welcome to your light.  Gather the other angels around you and feel their love.  Shine your new found light on those who are still waiting for their light, and I will continue to shout.  Meanwhile, my Mom will silently shine her light upon me.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Jojo's DNA Test Results #1 DDC Veterinary Lab

If you have been following this blog, then you know that we have a sweet puppy for adoption at South Hamilton Animal Alliance whose "breed" make-up is in question.  She is just 20 lbs, and sweet as pie. 

Her name is Jojo.  You can read the first part of her story at Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither? .

Our Sweet Jojo!

We submitted her DNA samples to three different laboratories who specialize in canine breed DNA tests.  As we waited patiently with baited puppy breath, her test results are starting to arrive.

Today we received the results from the DDC Veterinary: Animal DNA Testing Services Laboratory.  Here is the email that I received...

" Thank you for choosing DDC Veterinary for your Dog DNA Breed Test;
your official framable certificate along with the Breed Description
Summary has already been mailed.

If you don't mind and you are willing to share, we would love to have
a picture of the dog you had DNA tested. Our intention is to
potentially include these candidate photos with future projects such
new webpages and other promotional items. Who knows, maybe your dog
could be a star someday! If you are willing to participate, simply
reply to this email with a picture of your dog.

A copy of Jojo's DNA certificate is attached to this email in .PDF

The breeds listed on the certificate indicate those that were
detected in your dog. They are reported as 5 possible levels to help
you understand which breeds are more prevalent in your dog. A current
list of the possible breeds detected by this test can be found at our

Level 1: Over 75% of the DNA found in your dog is contributed from
the breed listed
Level 2: Each breed listed contributed 37-74% of your dog's DNA
Level 3: Each breed listed contributed 20-36% of your dog's DNA
Level 4: Each breed listed contributed 10-19% of your dog's DNA
Level 5: Each breed listed contributed less than 10% of your dog's
DNA composition

If your results show only one breed, your dog may fall into one of
the following possible scenarios:
1. There are breeds present in your dog that are not among the 62
breeds detected by the test.
2. The contribution of a particular breed to your dog's DNA profile
may be too low to be detected.
3. Your dog may be purebred.

DNA markers and genes are inherited randomly from each parent, making
every dog unique. This is why a dog's appearance may look different
than the breeds detected in the DNA test, and it is also the reason
why dogs with the same breeds detected may have different physical

Please note: The Dog Breed DNA Analysis is designed for the sole
purpose of identifying possible breeds found in your dog's ancestral
background. The DNA test is not intended to identify breeds deemed as
dangerous, and therefore the results should not be used to
discriminate against any single breed. Results are also not intended
to verify breed purity, bloodlines, or be used for treating specific
medical conditions without the consultation of a veterinarian.

We certainly hope that you and Jojo have enjoyed your DNA experience
with us. If you have additional questions or comments please feel
free to contact us

DDC Veterinary"

And now for the unveiling... the breeds that were possibly detected in sweet Jojo are:

"Italian Greyhound 3

Miniature Pinscher 3

 German Shorthaired Pointer 4

 Greyhound 4

See is for adoption at Heartland Greyhound Adoption, Bondurant, IA

 American Staffordshire Terrier 5

 Shetland Sheepdog 5"

My curiosity is heightened to see what the results hold from the other two laboratories.  Will the lab results from the other two laboratories be similar to or possibly match the test results we read here?  Will the results be completely different? 

A little more waiting, and our curiosity should be satisfied...

"Curiosity killed the cat.  Satisfaction brought it back." (a quote by Eugene O'Neill)

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crush Videos, Silent but Deadly...

A few days ago, I posted a blog discussing what procedures to follow when evidence of animal cruelty is discovered on the Internet.  At the end of the blog, I quoted the following  from a page from the American Humane website as follows:

"How does the law currently handle Internet animal cruelty?

Because communications through the Internet have the ability to cross state lines, the Internet is largely governed by federal law. Improving the federal laws as they pertain to Internet animal abuse is critical. Currently, only a few federal laws address the issue directly:

The Crush Act (P.L.106-152) penalizes the display of acts of cruelty and sexual abuse of animals that is intended for interstate commerce. If convicted, offenders may receive up to five years in prison or a large fine. Two criteria must be met before this statute applies: 1) actual abuse must occur and 2) the website in question must intend to sell the images across state lines. In other words, a website may legally display images of animal cruelty and sexual abuse under this law as long as it is not charging visitors for access or otherwise selling the images. In 2005, the first conviction under this statute occurred in a federal district court in Virginia. "

It has been brought to my attention that this Crush Act was nullified by the supreme court in April of 2010.   According to the website, , since the nullification of the act, their animal welfare group has been intentionally bombarded with emails containing photos and videos of animal cruelty, by those who were celebrating the nullification of the law.

I am not one to question the Freedom of Speech.  It is a freedom that is necessary for our society, necessary for education, and necessary for blogging.  However, when images of people crushing animals to death beneath high heels or boot treads in order to gain sexual gratification are considered Freedom of Speech, I do believe there is something GREATLY wrong with the perception of this freedom. 

In a NY Times article by Adam Liptak, dated April 21, 2010, "Chief Justice Roberts rejected the government’s analogy to a more recent category of unprotected speech, child pornography, which the court in 1982 said deserved no First Amendment protection. Child pornography, the chief justice said, is “a special case” because the market for it is “intrinsically related to the underlying abuse.”

Crush videos are a fetish.  Crush videos are a form of sexual desire in which full sexual gratification depends to an abnormal degree on images of animal cruelty, specifically the crushing of small live animals to their death, such as kittens, puppies, rabbits...    Crush videos deserve no First Amendment protection.

In an article on, Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Calif., who also sponsored the 1999 law, noted that since the nullification of the original Crush Act, the market for the videos has increased.  It is a simple business calculation that when the market for an item increases, production of the item increases.  Consequently, animal cruelty acts also increase in response to an increased market for Crush Videos.  If the market for these videos is not "intrinsically related to the underlying abuse" in the same way as child pornography, then I must be missing something.

The trafficking of child pornography is illegal.  The trafficking of severe animal cruelty, mutilation, and death for sexual gratification should also be illegal. 

Acts of animal cruelty are proven predecessors to acts of violence against people.  Ted Bundy and "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski were both animal abusers prior to becoming serial killers.  The link between animal abuse and human violence exists... we need to stop the cycle before it progresses from animals to people!
We need to introduce another law to protect animals in the same way that victimized people are protected.   Many states have their own animal cruelty laws, although many are weak, they do exist.  The difficulty with crush videos is that they rarely reveal a location, a face, or a date.  This makes them hard to prosecute because no state can claim the act.  This is why it is so important to make the production and trafficking of these videos a federal issue and an illegal act.

There is a dedicated and hard working group whose sole purpose is the prohibition of Crush Videos.  This group is .

Please visit the Stop Crush website, and follow their updates.  You can help them make such important animal welfare legislation happen by contacting your legislators when needed.  Remember that you don't have to write much or write well to address your legislator about such important issues.  The receipt of your opinion, even in few words, matters greatly to your legislators, and they just might listen. 

Too many people sit quietly hoping others will write or act.  Legislators are very aware that for every letter they do receive, that there are many silent people that also agree with it's message.  To receive many letters about this subject would create a very loud voice to them.  If you neglect to let your legislator know how you feel about such matters, you have no right to criticize how they vote on these matters. 

So step up and become active.  You can help to make that difference happen.  Sponsor a Tea for Paws party where you and your animal loving friends come together when animal related legislation is presented.  Each party attendee writes a letter to their legislator, and you can celebrate your actions together after placing the stamp or hitting the send button. 

Remember, that these issues, although they may be new to you, are similar to dog fighting. You may not see it happening in your backyard, because its market is kept deeply underground, but it is a much larger problem than you and I can imagine.

Visit for updates regarding crush video legislation.  SHARE AND ACT.

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Friday, October 15, 2010


Today, I was alerted to a website on the Internet that had a photo of a dog fight, videos of dogs training, dogs fighting with dogs, and a dog fighting with a cat.  I was unsure about what to do with the information that I had discovered.  Fortunately and coincidentally, this morning, I had made a new Facebook acquaintance who guided me through the process the way it should be done.

My first instinct was to rant and rave at the website or page owner for participating in such awful and illegal deeds, and sharing it with my friends to do the same.  This is the opposite of what should be done, and fortunately, I did not follow this instinct.  The link I discovered happened to be a Facebook page.  I could have befriended this creep with the intentions of posting my outrage for his actions on his "wall" and calling him every dirty word in the book.  This would not have been very effective.  He may have fed off of all the attention I was giving him, or he could simply delete my remarks.  This would not be proactive.

I could have reported him to Facebook.  Facebook has a report button on the bottom of each page and photo.  Reporting him to Facebook may result in the removal of the offending photos or videos or remarks.  It may lead to the cancellation of the account belonging to the person who posted the offending information by the Facebook team.  Surprisingly, this action is also an extremely ineffective method of punishment for the offender. Removal of the information from Facebook, by Facebook personnel or any other website involved, may lead to permanent removal of the evidence which is required for prosecution for such internet crimes.  He would continue to do what he does, and possibly open another website.
The proper method of reporting Internet animal cruelty, abuse, and crimes will work for offensive Facebook pages as well as any other website on the Internet. 

The main things you must NOT do:

1. DO NOT CONTACT THE WEBSITE OWNER.  While it may be mildly therapeutic to tell them what you think of them and their actions, you will be alerting them to their discovery and they may remove the offensive information.

2. DO NOT FLAG THE WEBSITE FOR REMOVAL FROM A PUBLIC SITE such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or others, as that may permanently delete evidence needed to build a case against the offender.

3. DO NOT SHARE the information with others, because they may act in either of the above ways which will defeat your purpose.  Sharing the website may also increase traffic to the website in question which may support the offender or excite the offender.

4. DO NOT CREATE AN ONLINE PETITION for the same reasons as listed above.

Now you must collect your evidence

Collect as much information as possible.  If you are lacking some of the information listed below, you should still share the information that you do have, and a link to the website with the appropriate reporting agency.

1. Download as much of the information from the website, IE photos, videos, etc. as you can and save them. 

2. Print out copies of the offending pages. 

3. Be sure to have as much personal information on the person running the website as possible including, but not limited to, the name, contact information, and location. 

4. Try to determine if the offender is within the United States or elsewhere. 
5. Try to determine the offender's ISP address.  You can do this at .  Instructions for using dnsstuff are here .  I was unable to obtain this information for my report, so this is not a mandatory step. 

Animal Cruelty Within the US

You would follow these instructions to report a US based crime, even if you are not a resident of the US or are not located within the US at the time of the discovery.

To report an animal cruelty or abuse crime that takes place within the United States, report the incident to the FBI.  You must include as much information as you can including links to the offending material, names, locations, etc.  The submission page for crime tips for the FBI is . 

You should also report a US based animal cruelty website to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, also known as IC3. To file a complaint, go to this page .  There is no category for animal abuse, so choose a category and explain the situation in the notes. As much information as possible should be included in the report including links to the offending website.

Other resources for reporting Internet animal abuse, especially if you believe an animal to be in danger at the current time IE livestreaming video, and you know the location of the offending party, include reporting to the local police and the possible offender's local FBI branch which can be determined here... .

Animal Cruelty Outside of the US

If the crime is not within the US, it should be reported to INTERPOL. You must include as much information as you can including links to the offending material, names, locations, etc.  The submission page for crime tips for INTERPOL is .

For animal cruelty within the UK, The RSPCA ( Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals    ) has a 24 hour hotline available for such incidents.  From within the UK, you can call the cruelty line at 0300 1234 999 .

Some International Humane Organizations accept Internet Animal Cruelty Reports such as:

HSUS Email

PETA Email

Here are some websites with additional information regarding the reporting of online animal abuse and cruelty:


The following is interesting information from the American Humane Website that defines what animal related actions are considered to be illegal over the Internet:

"Because communications through the Internet have the ability to cross state lines, the Internet is largely governed by federal law. Improving the federal laws as they pertain to Internet animal abuse is critical. Currently, only a few federal laws address the issue directly:

The Crush Act (P.L.106-152) penalizes the display of acts of cruelty and sexual abuse of animals that is intended for interstate commerce. If convicted, offenders may receive up to five years in prison or a large fine. Two criteria must be met before this statute applies: 1) actual abuse must occur and 2) the website in question must intend to sell the images across state lines. In other words, a website may legally display images of animal cruelty and sexual abuse under this law as long as it is not charging visitors for access or otherwise selling the images. In 2005, the first conviction under this statute occurred in a federal district court in Virginia. (It has come to my attention that this Act has been nullified by our supreme court.  Please read more at .)

The Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act (P.L. 110-27) strengthens the ability of law enforcement to combat animal fighting by providing felony penalties for interstate commerce, import and export related to animal fighting activities, including commerce in cockfighting weapons. Each violation of this federal law is punishable by up to three years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine for perpetrators.

Internet Hunting: The Computer-Assisted Remote Hunting Act (H.R. 2711/S. 2422) is a pending federal bill introduced by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). It seeks to prohibit knowingly making available a “computer-assisted remote hunt” (using a computer or other device, equipment or software to control the aiming and discharge of a weapon to hunt)."

If you are aware of information that I should include in this blog, or if I have posted incorrect information, feel free to discuss it with me so I can correct it.  I want this information to be as complete, accurate, and effective as possible. 

While I cannot guarantee that any of these organizations will act or respond in the way we hope or expect them to, we must do our part to get the wheel in motion.  Do not let your silence let an animal abuser go unpunished. 

The link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence has been recognized by human medical professionals.  We must stop the perpetuation and escalation of such horrific actions at the most basic level.  I hope this information helps guide someone in their fight, in the way I was guided today.  Thank you CH, you know who you are!

Become a fan of our Veterinary Rescuer Blog page on Facebook here:!/pages/Veterinary-Rescuer-Blog/133173784037 . If you would like to receive this blog into your email inbox each time it is published, go to , and enter your name into the subscribe box on the upper right side of the page. The blog will send you a confirmation email. Reply as instructed in the email to confirm your subscription. This is a required step. You will then receive the blog as it is published. You will not get junk mail as a result of subscribing!


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Feel free to make a comment on the blog, but please do so at the blog's website: ;-)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update 1: Doggie DNA Testing of the Tests...

This blog is the third part of a story about Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither...
(don't forget that different colored text indicates a link to another website for more information)

I received confirmation emails verifying the successful receipt of our DNA sample swabs by two out of the three labs we utilized to DNA test the breed make up of Jojo, a mixed breed dog we have for adoption at the South Hamilton Animal Alliance. 

We had shipped all three samples back to their respective laboratories at 3pm Friday, October 8, 2010. The postmaster advised us to purchase bubble wrap envelopes for the samples, saying that flat envelopes were not sufficient and would get damaged due to the shape of the contents within the package. I decided that these companies send these test kits out many times throughout the year and reliably get the samples returned to them in their provided envelopes. I suggested that we write "Hand Cancel" on the business sized envelopes, and the postmaster agreed, saying, "That would work".

Despite the postmaster's initial concerns about the safety of the shipping method utilized by these companies, at least two of the samples survived the shipment process and DNA testing is underway.  Below are copies of the emails that I received from each lab. 

Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel:
(received October 13th by email...)

"You are just one paw print away from discovering your mixed-breed dog's ancestry with Wisdom Panel™ Insights.
The following swab sample has been received in our laboratory.
Order Details:

Dog's Name: Jojo
Sample Type: Swab
Date of Receipt: 13 Oct 2010
Please allow 2-3 weeks time for processing. We will inform you when the results are complete."

Heritage DNA:
(received October 14th by email)

"Dear Canine Heritage Customer:
We have received your dog's DNA sample at our laboratory. Congratulations! You just took the first step towards getting to know your four-legged family member a little bit better. We will now begin the process of breed detection. In the meantime, we wanted to give you as much information as possible about what you will learn from having your dog DNA tested. The attached document has some fun and interesting details about how our test works and what you can expect.
For an overview of the steps involved, please see the FAQ page on our website -- Your dog's results should be complete in 4-6 weeks.
If you still have questions, our customer service will be glad to help.
Just give us a call at 800.DNA.DOGG (800.362.3644)
You can also join us on Facebook, and Twitter>.
Add to the discussion with your own dog's unique story or just follow the fun. See you there!
The Staff at Canine Heritage "

I just wanted to share a little more information with you during the tests' "turn around time", while we wait to see what the DNA's breed results are, whether the 3 laboratories' results agree with each other, and whether sweet Jojo falls victim to the laws of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)...

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Doggie DNA Testing of the Tests

This blog is the second part of the story about Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither...

(don't forget that different colored text is linked to the appropriate website for more information)

We are DNA testing a puppy we have for adoption.  I have heard mixed reviews from people who have done DNA testing, so we purchased one test from each of three different DNA Breed testing companies.

We received the test kits in the mail last week and here is some information about each test kit.

Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel

This company claims to detect 170 different dog breeds.  Those breeds included are listed on their website.

The cost of the test is $79.99 with free shipping. I searched the Internet for a coupon code and used coupon code INSIGHTS10 to receive $10 off.  That was nice! The total cost of the test procedure was $69.99.

The test kit included 2 brush swabs and a postage paid submission envelope.  This test was shipped in a corrugated cardboard box which held a card stock box with the kit contents.  There were brochures with photos, and easy to follow instructions.  This test is obviously packaged for the pet owner, colorful and informative with photos of pets and their people.  If you are a green person, who dislikes excess packaging, this is not the test for you.  See photo below...

You must rub each brush inside the cheek for 15 seconds and allow a 5 minute drying time for the brushes.  Return the swabs in the enclosed prepaid standard business sized envelope.

DDC Animal DNA Testing

This company claims to detect  62 of the AKC's most common breeds.  Those breeds included are listed on their website.  DDC is a provider of human DNA testing for many programs such as Maury Povich, Dr. Phil, Dateline, Lopez Tonight, Nancy Grace, Larry King Live, Geraldo, and more.  They also did the paternity testing for Anna Nichole Smith's baby. For more information, visit their website at .
The cost of the test is $68 with free shipping.  I was unable to find any coupon codes.  The total cost of the test procedure was $68.

The test kit included 4 Cotton swabs and the  postage was not paid.  It is your responsibility to pay return shipping.  The test kit arrived in a 9" X 12" manila envelope.  The test kit is very condensed, no color brochures or photographs of puppies.  The paperwork looks as though this test is geared toward a laboratory professional rather than the general public as far as perks and pretties, but it is equally simple to perform and the instructions are quite easy to interpret.  See photo below...

You must rub each cotton swab for 10 seconds inside the cheek.  There is no stated mandatory drying time.  Return the swabs in the enclosed standard business sized envelope after adding postage which is negligible.

Heritage DNA

This company claims to detect  over 100 dog breeds.  Those breeds included are listed on their website. 

The cost of the test is $79.95 with free shipping. This company accepts coupon codes but I was unable to find any current codes online.   The total cost of the test procedure was $79.95.

The test kit included 1 brush swab and a postage paid submission envelope. The test kit arrived in a 5" X 7" manila envelope.  There was some color on the forms and puppy photos to enhance testing procedure instructions.  Everything was simple, and easy to interpret.  See photo below...

You must rub the brush for 30 seconds inside the cheek. There is no stated mandatory drying time.  Return the swabs in the enclosed prepaid standard business sized envelope

We followed each tests individual instructions on Jojo, as each test kit is slightly different in their instructions.  She was well behaved but was not sure what we were doing, why we were doing it, and she really just wanted to play with the little stick we kept shoving into her mouth. 

Each company's procedure is simple and similar to the others with some minor differences, which I have outlined here.  The tests are all comparable in price.  We are anxious to see if there are similarities in each company's interpretation of Jojo's DNA sample.  Only time will tell.

Watch Jojo's DNA testing procedure on YouTube video here:...Jojo's DNA Test
Jojo being DNA tested...
see more Jojo photos in our previous blog entry...

We shipped all three samples back to their respective laboratories at 3pm Friday, October 8, 2010.  The postmaster advised us to purchase bubble wrap envelopes for the samples, saying that flat envelopes were not sufficient and would get damaged due to the shape of contents within the package. I decided that these companies send these test kits out many times throughout the year and reliably get the samples returned to them in their provided envelopes.  I suggested that we write "Hand Cancel" on the business envelopes, and the postmaster agreed, saying, "That would work". 

The one thing that all the tests had in common is a three week turnaround time. 

So here we are again, waiting...  Waiting for the results of the tests...  Waiting for a forever family for Jojo...  Waiting for laws that will protect our animals rather than condemn them...

We can only hope...

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither?

Okay, I have given in.  I am ready to try DNA testing to discover the breed of dog of one of our adoptable pets.  This is going to serve as an educational experience for me, and perhaps for you.  I want to be able to discuss the DNA testing of dogs with my clients and relate it to an experience that I have had, rather than basing my opinion on hearsay.  I have heard people say their DNA test results were right on track, and others say that the results were obviously wrong or inconclusive. 

I have decided to test one of our adoptable dogs out of sheer curiosity.  We named her Jojo.  She is a mixed breed dog that is about 6 months old.  She is full grown.  Her brown eyes make you melt inside, and I swear she is smiling in this photo!  When you look at her adorable photo, you will immediately say that she is a pit bull.  She only weighs about 20 lbs! 

(Photo taken and generously donated by Photography by Becca)

Jojo was found running loose out in the country.  Someone must have had her for the previous five months of her life, but no one claimed her.  The county in which she was running has no humane resource for strays, so the Sheriff's department often calls on our clinic to assist them with the placement of their strays into new forever families. 

I have listed Miss Jojo as a beagle/boxer mix on .  I have no way of knowing if this is her true heritage.  She is the size of a small beagle with longer legs.  She has the build of a miniature boxer.  I cannot explain where the freckled feet come from.  Freckled feet are not a "pit bully" trait. 

I fear that Miss Jojo is missing out on a new forever family of her own due to her resemblance to a pit bull.  I am not claiming that she is not a pit mix.  I don't know or care if she is a pit mix.   I don't even know if this testing will help us in her plight for a new home, or hurt us.  I do know that she likes dogs, cats, and kids.  She has showed us no signs of aggression.  She is a playful happy puppy awaiting a family to love her, yet she continues to be passed over.  She is in a foster home learning to behave in a home setting, being potty trained, and living happily with two other dogs.

Watch Video 1 of Jojo

Watch Video 2 of Jojo

With breed specific legislation becoming the societal "norm", I worry about this little girl.  I have had clients and non-clients with mixed breed dogs say that they have been approached by police officers enforcing their local "vicious dog ordinances".  Perhaps little tiny Jojo would fall into this category of legally vicious dogs despite her sugar-coated sweetness. 

These ordinances define dogs as vicious by breed rather than behavior.  People with dogs that are gentle and loving are being forced to prove their pet is not a pit bull or rottweiler or german shepherd, when there is no true way to do that if you do not own "papers" on the dog.  Sometimes, the dog in question is a purebred boxer or bulldog that I am comfortable declaring "This dog is not a pit bull."  Other times, the dog might be a boxer mix, a pit mix, an american bulldog, but I cannot declare that this dog is not a pit bull or pit mix with any degree of certainty based only on appearance.  If you mix a wrinkled nose, purebred boxer with almost any other dog (ie lab, shep, golden), you are going to lengthen that nose, and the mix puppies will suddenly appear "pitty".  These dogs would all be susceptible to this type of breed specific law or legislation. 

Another issue with this legislation is that the affected, breed-defined dogs often have no aggressive history.  They are being blamed for crimes that they have not committed. This is not unlike racial profiling.  It is breed profiling.  Dogs should be deemed vicious by historical documentation of vicious actions, and punished or cited as a result of these actions, rather than on their appearance.  I discuss this in a previous blog, Breed Specific Legislation or BS Laws? .

I don't want to place blame on the law enforcement officials.  They are following the rules bestowed upon them by others.  This is their job.  It is the breed-biased laws and the people that pass them that need to be addressed.

I found a photo on the Internet that expresses my concerns about laws such as these:

I have ordered one of each of the following DNA test kits:

Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel
170 breeds
$79.99 free shipping, used coupon code INSIGHTS10 and got $10 off
total cost $69.99

DDC Animal DNA Testing
Can detect 62 of the AKC's most common breeds.
$68 free shipping No coupon codes

Heritage DNA
Over 100 breeds
$79.95 free shipping.  accepts coupon codes but unable to find any.

I ordered all three tests between 8 am and 9 am on Thursday, September 30, 2010.  The test kits vary in price, and vary in the number and kind of breeds they test for in their procedures.  More information can be found on their websites linked above.

Once we receive the tests, we will post new blogs and let you follow us through the testing procedure.  You may join us here as we perform the tests, and as we anxiously await the results of each test.

I am putting my own dollars and my "breed guessing skills" on the line and inviting you to follow along with our testing of Jojo, and her results. The results of each test will be discussed, and you can voice your own opinion.

I hope these tests can identify a primary breed in Jojo.  I have heard that they often do not.  We may continue rowing in the same boat of uncertainty at the end of this expensive and time-consuming testing procedure.  My hope is that by the end of the procedure, Jojo is already with her new forever family regardless of the results.

I am not saying that Jojo is not a pit mix...she may be one.  Unless these three DNA tests concur and identify substantial primary breed results, I have no way of knowing that. Unfortunately, neither do our law enforcement officials when they look at your dog.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Images of Porthos

Porthos is a sweet cat we have for adoption at Jewell Animal Hospital .  He came to us as a tiny kitten.  He grew up in a cage with siblings who have all found their forever homes.  He is around 8 months old now.  He has free roam in the clinic and has for some time, and he certainly does enjoy it.  He is very special, and someone needs to notice him.  We have certainly noticed him.  He is the clown of the clinic!

Porthos is a vaudeville entertainer in a cat's body.  He is curious and funny.  He is so unique that I decided he needed to be shared.  Unfortunately, words do not do this cat justice.  Each picture, however, is worth a thousand I will let the photographs speak for me.

Keep in mind that each photo, with the exception of the first, is completely random.  None of these are staged.   Had I known we were going to do a photo montage of this silly boy, I would have put my staff at alert for more of his strange doings...

Generously donated photo by Photography by Becca.
This is the only staged photo! 

Cuddling ON TOP OF Mama Cat...

On a box...

In a package...

Jumping up onto a door to see what we are doing in the next room, then sliding back down the door ...

Cleaning a trash can...

Yes, inside the refrigerator...

Cuddling with Domino, who has been adopted...

In the trash can looking for "stuff"... I think Kirby put him up to it...

He loves fresh water...

Giving emotional support to a deaf and blind thirteen year old collie...

More water...

Water is good...

Drinkee please...

If he fits, he is IN IT IN MINUTES...
Under a grate over a sink...

If you are interested in adoption Porthos or any other cat or kitten, please visit them at .

For an adoption application, go to our  ADOPTION APPLICATION

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