Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update 1: Doggie DNA Testing of the Tests...

This blog is the third part of a story about Jojo: Vicious Pit Bull or Beagle or Boxer or Neither...
(don't forget that different colored text indicates a link to another website for more information)

I received confirmation emails verifying the successful receipt of our DNA sample swabs by two out of the three labs we utilized to DNA test the breed make up of Jojo, a mixed breed dog we have for adoption at the South Hamilton Animal Alliance. 

We had shipped all three samples back to their respective laboratories at 3pm Friday, October 8, 2010. The postmaster advised us to purchase bubble wrap envelopes for the samples, saying that flat envelopes were not sufficient and would get damaged due to the shape of the contents within the package. I decided that these companies send these test kits out many times throughout the year and reliably get the samples returned to them in their provided envelopes. I suggested that we write "Hand Cancel" on the business sized envelopes, and the postmaster agreed, saying, "That would work".

Despite the postmaster's initial concerns about the safety of the shipping method utilized by these companies, at least two of the samples survived the shipment process and DNA testing is underway.  Below are copies of the emails that I received from each lab. 

Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel:
(received October 13th by email...)

"You are just one paw print away from discovering your mixed-breed dog's ancestry with Wisdom Panel™ Insights.
The following swab sample has been received in our laboratory.
Order Details:

Dog's Name: Jojo
Sample Type: Swab
Date of Receipt: 13 Oct 2010
Please allow 2-3 weeks time for processing. We will inform you when the results are complete."

Heritage DNA:
(received October 14th by email)

"Dear Canine Heritage Customer:
We have received your dog's DNA sample at our laboratory. Congratulations! You just took the first step towards getting to know your four-legged family member a little bit better. We will now begin the process of breed detection. In the meantime, we wanted to give you as much information as possible about what you will learn from having your dog DNA tested. The attached document has some fun and interesting details about how our test works and what you can expect.
For an overview of the steps involved, please see the FAQ page on our website -- Your dog's results should be complete in 4-6 weeks.
If you still have questions, our customer service will be glad to help.
Just give us a call at 800.DNA.DOGG (800.362.3644)
You can also join us on Facebook, and Twitter>.
Add to the discussion with your own dog's unique story or just follow the fun. See you there!
The Staff at Canine Heritage "

I just wanted to share a little more information with you during the tests' "turn around time", while we wait to see what the DNA's breed results are, whether the 3 laboratories' results agree with each other, and whether sweet Jojo falls victim to the laws of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)...

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  1. Well...I think we all must have known this would take some time to get the results. It would have been nice if these time frames were listed with the packets initially though.

    Should be interesting when they do come in!

  2. DNA testing even by blood is spotty at best for pitbull type dogs as they are a conglomeration at best. We tested one of our dogs with a company and her results found a flaw in their system that was fixed. I work at a vet office and have gotten several of my rescues tested....not sure how much I put into these tests but it is amusing to do! I look forward to seeing what your dog is and how each lab compares in results!
