Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas Wish List...

Dear Santa,

Enclosed is my holiday wish list for my friends and family.  I have kept it brief, and I think most items are pretty light weight for travel.

For my husband: a few moments to slow down, so we can appreciate our relationship, our kids, and our lives together.

For my older sister: realization that miles cannot separate hearts

For my middle sister: good health, and strength as her nest becomes empty

For Cara: success in the field she knew she would love at the ripe old age of 8 yrs!

For Missy M.: I want her to feel the joy that she makes people feel with her words and smiles.

For Kassy: more brownie ingredients, and some time to be 15.

For Heidi: a housewarming party... with brownies (no nuts)

For Tova: a chance to shed the pain and shine the light

For Amy and all my rescue friends: an abundance of adoptive families or a money tree (whichever is easier)

For Missy S.: a moment of silence in a house that roars

For Traci: a soft place to fall, sometimes the rock needs that

For Lori:  for her girls to become the strong woman she has become

For Dewan: pork chops

For Jeri:  :-)

For those that are hungry, abused, neglected, or homeless: bring food, safety, love, and families.

For Kim: to let the love of family and friends support her, at times when she cannot.

For Miguel:  physical and emotional strength, he has already shown his courage and heart... and a light at the end of the tunnel

For my kids, I want all those things that every parent wishes for their children.  All those things that cannot be wrapped or put under a tree.  You know what I mean.  You're Santa.

For those I did not specifically mention, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

Thank you and safe travels,
Your dedicated elf,

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  1. Thank you Lisa. I wish that you could just have time to stop and realize that you are a wonderful person and what you do is amazing. You never fail to amaze me when help a person even when you know the only benefit you will receive is to see that there animal has proper vet care. I wish more people could see that.

  2. What a wonderfully thoughtful Christmas wish list! While I'm a bit disappointed I'm not on this list, I know you're thinking of me, ha ha!

    Have a wonderful Blessed Christmas Linda!

  3. What a great Christmas list! We will definitely take the adoptive families! :) 9 pups ready to go Jan 24th hope families come out of the wood work!
