Friday, June 17, 2011

Kathy's Sky

I took a photograph today. 

I was on my way to my exercise class, "Boot Camp", at 5:15 (central) this morning.  I saw the prettiest sunrise, so I stopped to take a photo.

I see beautiful skies often, yet I usually neglect to stop and take the time to capture the moment.  Usually I am in too much of a hurry to stop.   Life goes so fast, especially with two children in tow.  I was not sure why at this moment, I decided to capture the beauty. 

After class, I received a phone call from my sister.  At about the same time that I stopped my car on the side of the road to take this photo, my cousin was struck and killed by a car.  She was on her routine morning walk with a friend, safely up on the sidewalk when a car came up onto the sidewalk, taking something that did not belong to him...a life.  He took the life of a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a cousin, a friend.

I can recall many times seeing her on her walk when I lived in Rhode Island years ago. She would be taking her long strides, as I made my daily rush to work, having allowed barely enough time for breakfast, never mind exercise.  I respected her dedication.

I just wanted to share this morning's photo...

Kathy's Sky
As beautiful as she was... and always will be.

Please send your love and prayers to her family...

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  1. So sorry for your loss Lisa. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    The Windschitl Family

  2. What a terrible tragedy--I am so so sorry for your loss--losing someone special whether it be mom,daughter,sister whomever it takes a toll on us emotionally--Blessings and Prayers for you and your family--I hope they caught this person and make them pay for taking a sweet life from this earth.

  3. Lee Ann Senior RescueDogsJune 17, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    Prayers are being said for everyone involved~~

  4. Robyn van den BemdJune 17, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    So sorry to hear about this sad news. It is a very beautiful sky indeed.

  5. Beautiful sky, and a beautiful memory.

  6. What a beautiful sky, God does work in mysterious ways. I'm very sorry for your loss. It sounds like your cousin was loved very much.

  7. Sorry to hear about your cousin. What a shock to everyone. I'll pray for you.

    On a different note, doing Bootcamp myself here in western Iowa. Gotta love being up before everyone else and getting a hard workout done.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. From now on, whenever I see a sky that looks similar to "yours", I'll call it "Kathy's Sky".

  9. So sorry to hear about your cousin. You are in my Prayers !! I know how hard it can be as my brother passed away last Nov. (one week before Thanksgiving Day) of cancer. This is a beautiful photo to remember her by !!

  10. beautiful as she was ..and will be in our memories

  11. Jennifer Currie Rose DeppJune 18, 2011 at 8:42 AM

    Oh Lisa, my thoughts are with you and your family. How terribly sad and senseless.

  12. Lee Ann Senior RescueDogsJune 18, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Sorry to hear this~~ sometimes we don't understand why something so sad could happen~~ but know that you are loved and prayed for in healing~~Hugs~~My prayers and love are with you all!!

  13. What a beautiful picture , thankyou for sharing and so sorry about your cousin ,

  14. wonderful tribute--so sorry for your loss--such a tragedy......

  15. So sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful tribute. I know the pain of losing someone so close so suddenly . Please know that there are many people whos thoughts and prayers are with all Kathy's family and friends who she meant so much to.
