Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Last One is A Zinger!

Eating supper, Connor turns and asks, "What is this?"  I respond, "Kielbasa".  "Killbasa?"   He hesitates.  "Does it kill people?"

We stop at Casey's to pick up a quick sandwich.  Connor chooses a ham and cheese sub.  When he unwraps the sandwich, he sees swiss cheese complete with holes.  "Mom!  It has real mouse cheese!"  When I buy him swiss cheese from the store to impress him, he sees it in the fridge, and remarks, "Mom, we have real mouse cheese?!"  I respond, "Yes".  He looks at it, and finishes with, "That's gross."

A young girl who assists in Connor's classroom sees me at the grocery store.  She says, "Connor is so cute!  Today we watched a Garfield movie, but Garfield wasn't feeling well.  So the Vet comes to see Garfield and feels his tummy.  When he does, Garfield groans in discomfort.  Connor says, "My Mommy would NEVER do that to a cat!"

We went to a chinese buffet.  Connor insists on loading his own plate.  I give him the plate and just follow him around.  He sees what looks like long slender chicken legs and starts piling them on the plate.  I look up because I had never noticed this item at this restaurant before, and start laughing when I see a sign that says, "Frog legs".  Connor asks why I am laughing as he continues to pile them onto his plate.   Laughing, I state, "Those are frog legs".  He screams loudly, "EEEEEWWWW", tilts his plate back, as about a dozen legs slide quickly off the plate into the container from which they came.

Same chinese buffet, but years earlier.  A tiny 3 or 4 year old Miranda and I are headed to the rest room to wash our hands.  At the table in the back are two women speaking in what I can only assume is Chinese.  Miranda stops dead in her tracks, flails her arms dramatically and pronounces, "Mommy, What ARE they talking about?"

Last night, 7 year old Miranda asked Daddy, "Is Santa Real?"  Before Daddy can respond, Connor belts out, "Of course he's real!  He's not a toy!"

I hope I made you smile!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!!!

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